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Health, Life and Others

Explore a range of life and health insurance options to protect your loved ones, enjoy a healthier life and leave a stable financial legacy.

Energetic senior couple enjoying a healthy and active life while jumping on the beach.

Health Insurance

Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obamacare”. You may qualify for government subsidy (On Exchange), or pay for the full monthly premium (Off Exchange). The Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for ACA is when you normally can obtain a new plan; it starts on November 1st through January 15th in most states of the USA. You may enroll after OEP if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Small businesses with 1 or more employees can obtain health insurance anytime in most states. Compare plans and shop here.

Life Insurance

Upon passing, individuals often leave unsettled financial obligations such as loans, credit card debt, estate expenses, and funeral costs. Final expense coverage provides life insurance to settle these debts, guaranteeing comprehensive care for your loved ones. Take a look at how much it could be here.

Dental & Vision Plans

Private plans for all ages and multiple options of coverage. Most of them offer additional discounts if you choose a provider from the network’s carrier. Compare plans and shop here.

Hospital & Accident Insurance

Private plans that pay when you are hospitalized for illness or accident. Help to reduce your copays/coinsurance of your hospitalization. You choose the amount of benefit and it will be paid directly to you or your assignee. Contact me for details.

International Medical Insurance

Emergency health insurance coverage when traveling abroad. Many plans are valid for Schengen Visa requirements. Coverage for anyone: new USA residents, USA residents traveling abroad or Foreigners traveling to USA or any other country/es for tourism, business, students, and more. Click here for details.

Critical Illness

In the event you are diagnosed with cancer or have a stroke, the amount of coverage you have selected is paid directly to you or your designee. Contact me for details.

Types of Life Insurance


Term Insurance, an economical choice at inception, caters to temporary requirements. It ensures safeguarding within a specified timeframe, disbursing benefits upon demise during the term. This coverage aligns well when protection needs are finite; for instance, until children complete college or a specific debt, like a mortgage, is settled.


Upon passing, individuals often leave unsettled financial obligations such as loans, credit card debt, estate expenses, and funeral costs. Final expense coverage provides life insurance to settle these debts, guaranteeing comprehensive care for your loved ones.


Universal Life Insurance offers heightened flexibility compared to whole life insurance. Policyholders can seamlessly reallocate funds between insurance and savings components, adapting to their unique needs. Variable premiums, divided by the insurer, enable adjustments based on individual circumstances. For instance, if the savings portion yields low returns, it can cover premiums. Unlike whole life insurance, universal life permits investments to grow at an adjustable monthly rate.


Whole Life Insurance, a comprehensive life insurance agreement, entails consistent premiums covering both insurance and investment facets. Upon the insured’s demise, the insurance portion disburses a predetermined sum. Simultaneously, the investment segment amasses a cash value accessible for withdrawal or borrowing. As a fundamental cash-value life insurance variant, whole life insurance serves as a means of accumulating wealth through regular premium payments, fostering equity growth within a tax-deferred savings account enhanced by dividends or interest.